

This is the home page of the von Sperling family, and we would like to welcome you to discover more about our history.

From its beginnings in Mecklenburg, the family’s fortunes and misfortunes span centuries of European and Brazilian history.

The soldierly lineage of the von Sperling harks back to the Thirty Year's War and reaches its zenith during the Franco-Prussian war. This tradition of military service came to an end in September 1945 as Soviet occupation forces expropriated and expelled the family from its seat in eastern Germany.

In the XXIst century, the name and the spirit live on in a relatively small number of members spread in Europe, Brazil, in the US and Asia.

This site endeavours to facilitate exchanges between friends and family members, and to promote historical awareness, in particular among the youngest. We will constantly enrich and update the multimedia archive with copies of all extant historical sources as well as set up a genealogical database that shall become the mainstay of this website.

As a visitor, friend or relative you are also very welcome to participate in building this site by contributing sources and information connected to the family's history.




Familienmitglieder in der Geschichte.


Wichtige Daten, Orte, Ereignisse und Auszeichnungen.


Are you a v.Sperling or a relative?
Send us an e-mail. We will be happy to exchange information, and to give you a login to the restricted areas of this site.


Last modified:
Sunday, September 23, 2007 12:41 (CET)

Visitors since 24.03.2006

"... was zeitlich ist, erfreut mich nicht".
Hans Ernst Sperling, 1746.